Integrated HVAC has a 10 year history of solving this exact problem, often at the intersection of good HVAC equipment that may have been installed incorrectly and building automation systems that were not fully programmed to meet the unique needs of your building. We have seen many building systems challenges where, rather than fix the problem, workarounds were used to mask symptoms, often resulting in more energy loss and new tenant complaints. We know how important it is to listen, to you and to your building.
We call our business Integrated HVAC for a reason. The most efficient HVAC products can only reach their highest levels of efficiency when the entire system delivers the resources they need. As more products are linked, balancing those requirements across both systems and automation is key to delivering high performance. By understanding how products work together, we can sometimes even deliver effective performance of a system higher than the rating of some of its individual components. With green and sustainable holistic design principles, such as the effect of a green roof or day-lighting on load calculations, we can also right size mechanical equipment to ensure you’re your sustainability goals can be met.
The best time to replace this type of equipment is when it is not in use. Replace heating equipment in the summer and cooling equipment in the winter. Plan ahead. You’ll get your best deal in the off-season and have more time to consider rebates and other options.
There are a number of incentives and tax credits available for energy efficiency improvements. Though the programs from NYSERDA, LIPA, National Grid, PSE&G, ConEd and others are continually changing, we are monitoring them carefully and can advise you on your best option. Contact us and we can perform an energy assessment on your commercial space to find out more about your building’s energy usage and available resources.
We consider your entire system instead of its individual components. You can select high efficiency equipment but if it is not installed into your system per the manufacturer specifications, it won’t perform as rated. Components must be selected based on the intended use and overall systems, and then designed and installed to perform. This is why we take a systems approach to your building. We size your equipment accordingly and make sure your equipment is working well as a team. We can also investigate your rebate options and get you the best value. It is also important to factor in the lifecycle of the system components, as well as operating costs. We will consider all of this information to determine your return on investment.